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Current Research Projects*

*Last updated on March 2020

Understanding the socio-economic drivers of satellite-observed changes in freshwater availability

With the broader aim of tracking and quantifying direct and indirect human impacts on the global water cycle, this collaborative project builds a framework to assess regional to global-scale hydrologic changes and how they respond to human activity.

Huda, J., Reager, J. T., & Chandanpurkar, H. A. (forthcoming in Jun. 2020). Assessing how global freshwater availability is impacted by and impacts socioeconomic factors. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, Hongcheon-gun, South Korea. – cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic

Huda, J., Reager, J. T., & Chandanpurkar, H. A. (Dec. 2019). Understanding the social drivers of satellite-observed changes in freshwater availability. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Narratives of Conflict in Agricultural Biotechnology Policy in India

This doctoral dissertation project investigates the controversial issue of agricultural biotechnology policy in India focusing on the commercialization process of a genetically modified variety of eggplant called Bt eggplant. It empirically tests how stakeholders in agricultural biotechnology policy draw on science, narrative, and communication strategies to interact, advocate, and influence


Huda, J. (2019). Policy Narratives across Two Languages: A Comparative Study using the Narrative Policy Framework. Review of Policy Research.

Huda, J. (2018). An Examination of Policy Narratives in Agricultural Biotechnology Policy in India. World Affairs, 181(1), 42-68.

Role of information, framing, and learning in wildfire mitigation

​This collaborative project with researchers from University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado School of Mines, and University of Nevada, Reno, examines the role of citizens and information in wildfire mitigation and framing of problems, solutions, and community adaptation in response to wildfire.


Crow, D., Lawhon, L., Berggren, J., Huda, J., Koebele, E., & Kroepsch, A. (2017). A Narrative Policy Framework Analysis of Wildfire Policy Discussion in Two Colorado Communities. Politics & Policy, 45.4: 626-656.


Kroepsch, A., Koebele, E. A., Crow, D. A., Berggren, J., Huda, J., & Lawhon, L. A. (2017). Remembering the Past, Anticipating the Future: Community Learning & Adaptive Discourse in Media Commemorations of Catastrophic Wildfires in Colorado. Environmental Communication: 1-16.


Crow, D. A., Berggren, J., Lawhon, L. A., Koebele, E. A., Kroepsch, A., & Huda, J. (2016). Local media coverage of wildfire disasters: An analysis of problems and solutions in policy narratives. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy0263774X16667302.


Crow, D., Lawhon, L., Koebele, E., Kroepsch, A., Schild, R., & Huda, J. (2015). Information, Resources, and Management Priorities: Agency Outreach and Mitigation of Wildfire Risk in the West. Risk, Hazards, and Crisis in Public Policy, 6.1: 69-90.

Past Research Projects


Climate Change Communication

This project analyzed online climate change videos to examine framing of online videos about climate change to understand the way representational practices of climate change are shaped in context.

León, B., Boykoff, M., Huda, J., & Rodrigo, C. (2018). Framing in climate change videos. In B. León and M. Bourk, Communicating Science and Technology through Online Video: Researching a New Media Phenomenon. London: Routledge. 

Uncertainty in climate change mitigation and adaptation policy

This project conducted a comparative analysis of the range of methodological approaches that are evolving to address issues of uncertainty in climate change science toward developing policy prescriptions. The “methodologies” examined include a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches involving both top-down and bottom-up policy processes that attempt to enable policy makers to synthesize climate information into the policy process. 

Huda, J. & Kauneckis, D. (Dec. 2013). Adapting to Uncertainty: Comparing Methodological Approaches to Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Policy. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

State climate policy networks in US 

The survey project assessed how local organizations in US view the policy challenges that climate change poses to their activities.

Environmental justice and environmental policy in literary texts from the global north and south 

​As part of the Master of Arts Comprehensive Exams, this project examined the intertwining of environmental justice and environmental policy issues in the Global North and South as represented through narrative in various fiction and non-fiction literary texts.


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